Monday, May 16, 2011

The Lantern Festival(元宵节)

The 15th day of the first lunar month is tranditional Lantern Festival of China!The Chinese people have the custom of enjoying lanterns and eating glutions rice dumplings.There is a common saying that "Playing on Lantern Festival".

Playing on Lantern Festival(闹元宵)
The custom started in the Han Dynasty,with the history of more than 2,000 years.On that day, every place is decorated with lanterns to form a bustling atomsphere.
People go in crowds to enjoy themselves, and on some lanterns there are riddles, which encourage people to strive to be the first to find the answer.
Another custom is to eat glutinous rice dumplings.It is a round ball made of glutinous rice flour, with a filling of sugar and kernels.when boiled it is savory and tasty.The Chinese people hope that everything is satisfactory.To eat them on the first full moon night of a year, is to wish that family members will united and happy.
glutinous rice dumplings(元宵)

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