Thursday, June 23, 2011

Travel in Deqing

     Deqing, a small town of Zhaoqing City. And this Dragon Boat Festival, I traveled there for my holiday! We(my sister-in-law's family and me) went to Pan Gu Mountain, Panlong Gorge and Jinlin Water Village!

    In Pan Gu Mountain(Pan Gu(盘古) is a god in China), we visited the primitive tribe and watched some amazing performance, like swallow firebrand, climb sword ladder and so on.
Climbing  sword ladder

a  performer swallowing a firebrand   
cow skulls 

weaving (a old woman use the  original weaving tools to weave cloth  )
    Panlong   Gorge, the second station of our trip, is a beautiful place.   Many water falls in the gorge, and the top of gorge some  mill wheels in a stream.  We can play flying man and rafting.
a mill wheel

water fall


The last station of our trip is Jinlin Water   Village.   In Jinlin Water Village we also can see some mill wheels and eat some famous snacks, like uncongealed tofu,  tortoise plastron .
Jinlin water village(金林水乡)

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